Thursday 30 August 2012

Week 1 Reading 2

The story of the Arktika is a relevant one showing that technology and delivery of trade can help to reorganise and form an array of nations such as the European Union. With the use of the ice-breaker, trade could be established away from historic national divisions into a new and effective way. This is important to note as it seems any system be it a nation or a company relies on its product (technology) and an efficient way to meet a demand of such. Sometimes even create that demand.

For future thinking, the world is already become smaller through the internet and international travel. What is next? is my question and if we as designers can work that out early on we can design to make it a seamless transition. What I am saying is we could design a system as if it is common place even though it has not happened - much likened to the Brooklyn bridge that was designed to hold double the weight of cars because the designer saw ahead that cars were the future of travel. As a result it is handling the 21st century traffic with ease.

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