Friday 31 August 2012

Week 4 Reading 2

Firstly I like Mark Wigley's idea in the reading involving the outside community in the study of architecture promoting experimentation and idea generation. I think its important to mix in a structured setting with the design lay-person. These ideas are often out there as there are no pre-learned architectural restraints that we as architectural students now have (to a certain extent).

This collaborative approach implemented through magazine, office & school is in my opinion quite innovative. The notion of a group rather than the famous architect is interesting and sparked a thought in me as to why I study architecture. Is it for the name? The title? The fame? Perhaps on some level but I respect the notion of collaboration as i have already seen it evident in the week three design charette.

The idea raised in the reading of changing the medium of architectural theory delivery is something that is worth raising. A more fluid approach without limits is what comes across in the text. Being coined as weapons is a strong word but perhaps valid. Perhaps the system has watered down what we are learning and what we are capable of doing.

How would this work in my groups future developed scenario? Would the institution of learning in general become different? Perhaps like the feudal days your learnt your skill working under the supervision of a master or tradesperson. Very interesting discussion indeed.

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