Thursday 30 August 2012

Week 3 Reading 2

The thought that there is another city being created that we cannot physically touch, taste & smell but are already immersed in is a frightening thought at first glance. I have never heard it described as a city before. But then again, why not. I suppose the question that came to mind initially was - what makes a city?

This question got answered by the notion raised by the reading as 'the continual partial everywhere'. Being where you are in the world but also in a virtual sense, where your friends and family are in the world. The technology of today driving social media is on such a roll. The now appears to be replaced with the notion of aspace-Existing in a space without time or borders.

Architecturally this begins a whole string of thought. One question comes to mind - How do you design for an aspatial city? or more so - How do you design for aspatial people?. Do we design to block out the virtual connection as mentioned in the reading through the shielding tent? Or do we run with this and open up ourselves to accept the probability that a space that we design 'here' will become someones virtual space viewed aspatially through the virtual eyes of someone else across another side of the planet?

I am very keen to explore these possibilities further.

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