Thursday 30 August 2012

Week 1 Reading 3

'What we want and what we need keeps changing'. This statement by Maggie Koerth-Baker rings true with our heavily advertised society. Wants are turned into needs. There is a greater weight placed on need rather than want. Architecturally we are taught to cater to the basic needs of an individual then to the level of comfort they like. The level of comfort is subjective and endless creating a pool of future needs to arise.

A couple of inventions caught my attention.

1.) Electric clothes - The positive implications of this is quite astounding. Charging items like i-pods and phones has in recent years become one of those needs. We need our phone charged so we can stay in contact, do the banking, do work, find your way etc. This invention has realised that and established a way to service this need. Very impressive.

2.) Neurological control - If in fifty years we can drive cars with our mind then what could we do to the buildings and houses we design and inhabit? Imagine a house that could convey your mood or thoughts. At times that could be somewhat dangerous. I am intrigued as to how this will begin to develop even in the next 5-10 years.

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