Thursday 30 August 2012

Week 4 Reading 1

This reading is perfect to developing my groups idea conceived from the week three design charette. The thought that architecture can address matters relation to the social and political is very timely. The reading mentions that buildings share with the patterns of people. T.J Clarkes comments in the reading echoes this by saying that architecture constructs a 'way of life'.

I agree in part to this comment however I believe the sharing of patterns of people is more likely to be the case. Yes we can control how a person moves about a space but can we give them a reason why? To construct a social order I can see the correlation between creating a scenario that can be justified and predicted to continue in a set fashion. As an example the world is at its peak oil limit. See the diagram below showing this in the USA.

 If I were to say that in 50 years there would be no more crude oil and I designed architectural entities that would take this into account, would that imply I have constructed a way of life or more so facilitated that patters of people who have adapted?

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