Thursday 30 August 2012

Week 2 Reading 2

This reading was interesting as it first gives a bit of historical insight into the devastating tsunami that only recently decimated Japan. It was intriguing to learn that these stone blocks have lined the coastline for years as a memoriam and reminder of what dangers the natural environment can do. The specific stone that warns people not to build their houses below a certain point is a reminder that the past can teach us lessons that we in our lifetime would not normally know. 11 houses that were saved because they listened to this warning and respected it. Its a warning that as the 87 year old man mentioned, should be taught in schools.

The next interesting point came from the technology that was implemented to stop the waves. The failure of these measures told me that there comes a point where we must respect the natural environment. Contrary to the ice-breaker from week 1 readings, some things in nature are not meant to be tamed.

The fact that it may not occur in 400 years does not mean that it won't. Brisbane flood is a poignant example as buildings and infrastructure continued to be designed as peopel thought the flood would not happen - at least in their lifetime. I think we can learn from the Japanese villages and put in place measures that will benefit us for generations to come.

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