Friday 31 August 2012

Week 6 Presentation Reflection

I am really happy with what our team produced. The 3d renders by Alex were visually appealing and added great flavour and lift to the panels. The character story on panel three by Ben was great as it helped tell the narrative and ground the context through emotive connection.

The tutor feedback was positive and encouraging for the next assessment. Two points were raised by the tutors collectively.

1.) The sole trader who trades on behalf of the population of the Paddington cluster. - We were right in putting a question mark next to authority as possibly we could further develop a more grass roots equal system on how he/she is appointed.

2.) The high speed rail link. - Encouraged to develop that further and work out from the ground up how it works from the macro to the micro. Possibly three tiers of transit levels. An express one and suburban options.

Works by others was at a great level. It was rewarding and encouraging to see all the different angles people took on creating their future sub-urban context. There was a range of work from data full to ones using a lot of hand drawings. The vibe in the studio was positive with tutors and students alike having a good time.

I look forward to project two!

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