Thursday 30 August 2012

Week 3 Sustainable Future

This weeks design-charette definitely got the imagination flowing. Many areas were covered and explored rigorously which was quite rewarding and intriguing at times.

To begin we started with the basic human needs (visible below) and explored the notion of creating new needs as per the readings. We explored what Paddington central had to offer now to support those needs and what it would require for future sustainable use. We posed the question - What would draw people in to the space if technology continued and people stayed home to do all their shopping. With this idea we explored what a shopping centre would become if people didn't come there to shop. 

Space would be created for other uses such as virtual sports, storage for online sales stock. We also thought that this space could be used to have more of an interaction with the produce and products. Things like kicking a soccer ball, running in some new shoes etc.

The tutor feedback that was really positive was based around the image below. We played with a scenario that if Australia ran out of its exports, countries would no longer want to trade with us. This would create a system of inward trading where skills and produce would be the currency of the time.

We started to think of new urban and sub-urban structures or models that would and could facilitate such a drastic change in social order. We discussed the situation in Greece where such a system has emerged.

As another outcome we played with the idea of the sun dieing rendering the surface of the earth to be cold and harsh however this was discouraged by the tutor as too dystopia esque.

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