Friday 31 August 2012

Week 4 People and Lifestyles

This design charette was also rewarding. Taking our knowledge of the readings and lectures we began to develop the idea further. Establishing the new urban set-out based on community needs and wants we came to a decision regarding the paddington central site. We decided that in order to bring people to the site there had to be a large reason why. We understood that if people wanted something they could easily purchase it online. A trade market is where it began.

The idea progressed and we came up with the notion of a stock exchange where there is a chaos of people, movement and energy. The stock could be produce, goods, other products etc.

From here we began to give thought to the system of delivery to keep the social and economical order fast and efficient. We played with the idea of a high speed rail network that liked the trade markets and clusters of civilisation together. Digitally, we considered downloading food was a possibility through this high speed service.

As a result of this we established that it would become the sole transport network alleviating the need for cars. This would give the unused roadways back to the people in terms of green spaces or equivalent.

In terms of people and lifestyles we brainstormed multiple character ideas. The main idea that we cam up with was a sole representative. A person that on behalf of the people would trade stock, peoples skills etc. to other clusters that needed it. As we developed this idea we realised that this person had a level of power in the community and thus a political influence emerged. This is similar to the readings reflected on recently.

The idea of skill set trading was something we began to develop on that day also.

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