Wednesday 7 November 2012

Developing the roof cont.

Further to the Hive roof joining the atriums, I wanted to achieve a total connection between the roof and the facades of the structure. This in my opinion would help break up the facade bulk and allow for a change in facade treatments ant this connection threshold. See the images below for the development precess.

Both North, South and Western facades are cut by the new wrapping roof structure creating a succinct and connected element. Seen below the vertical elements add to this dynamic connecting the roof over the internal East-West atrium.

The angles created by the slope of the roof help bring the height of the structure aesthetically lower at the corner of Latrobe and Morris.

The different facade treatments at this point add to the chaotic and interlocking feel of the hive but with the connecting roof linking all the elements, the steadfast program of the building's philosophy remains.

Even though the treatment is shown as yellow, this was purely to set the two facade elements apart when importing the model into the rendering software. the ideals of the Queenslander will be implemented here by use of the horizontal timber cladding.

The tessellation of the floor plates can be seen in the image above which is then grounded by the uniform wrapping roof system.

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