Saturday 3 November 2012

Street connection

I believe it is important to keep the original street connections of the site and use them to inform the new design. In some cases this may not be the best scenario as the original design may have lacked some important opportunities. The Paddington Central design however had some good points in relation to this. The corner of Morris Street and Latrobe Terrace worked really well connecting the footpath to the restaurants then the shopping complex beyond. Tho roof structure came out over the part of the footpath to visually draw people in from further up Latrobe Terrace. I wanted to achieve a similar effect while still staying true to the design of the hive. I achieved this by removing the first two apartment levels at this location which opened up the entire street corner to seamlessly be connected to the footpath and street. Glass doors to the atrium circulation spaces then take people further inside.

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