Wednesday 7 November 2012

Mapping out the storyboard (click to make image clear)

I wanted to create an opening scene that depicted the characters personality, lifestyle and view reflective of the economic climate of 2034. I chose a night time city apartment scene to help paint this picture. The character appears alone and somewhat without hope especially when the narrative explains he will become homeless the next day. Depicting the blasé response to the large pile of bills and debt the character was in was key here as it shows this has been going on a while making the character somewhat emotionally numb. His reaction to losing his job gives the viewer the impression that he already knew about it before the opening scene hence why he was going out on the street as he could no longer afford rent.

The depiction of the television being rather vintage gives some depth to the character that perhaps he is a bit nostalgic of times gone by. Before the worlds finances took the downhill turn. I thought I would occasionally bring this characteristic forward throughout the narrative aiding to both the backstory as a whole and the subtle history of the character himself.

The idea of the native jungle or community garden was to bring a natural element to the overall design. I wanted this large garden to have an assortment of crops both the members of the Hive and the greater community could look after and give back to those out on the street. Something to work on as a collective would bring the community together. Also the progress would be evident in the health of the garden and would spark a sense of achievement across the outside community and residents of the Hive alike.
Slide 11 was used predominantly to express the very strong facade through a human perspective. The elegant hive atriums contrasting against the strong solid unit facades create a mystery to the character and help inform to the viewer that there are multiple systems at play within the design as a whole.
Originally I wanted a section to show the transition between the ground and basement levels showing the community garden above. Once in the basement, special point is made to show the space saving attributes of the foldable smart cars which are owned by all people in the narrative. In the image below it shows just how space saving these cars can be once parked in the folded position.
Uber gizmo. 2102. "Hiroko self-folding electric car rolls out in Spain."Accessed November 5, 2012.
After the three months I wanted to show the everyday aspects of living communally in the Hive. Human aspects like doing the laundry was one way I wanted to portray the sense of community and versatility of the terrace roof spaces. The washing water would be recycled grey water or equivalent to be a part of the sustainable aspect. Provision for grey water treatment and storage would be located on the now unused first basement level.
The next slide I wanted to portray the internal navigation within the Hive. The main factors of proximity induced by the catwalks was a main point i wished to cover. Later this developed and took on a more personal role establishing a love interest between the main character and another resident of the Hive.
Finally I wanted to portray a shot from within a North facing apartment overlooking the large communal garden/forest below. I later decided not to go with this option as it would stray slightly form the narrative between the main character and his love interest.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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