Wednesday 7 November 2012

Development of barbecue and entertainment spaces (click to make image clear)

I wanted to create a modular/compartmental system on the roof terrace spaces allowing for mixed uses from sports to eating to laundry. An idea I had for the barbecue was that it could recess into the terrace floor when not in use allowing for an open fully usable space. This would be possible as the roof terrace had considerable depth to allow for the luminescent strip of light that circumnavigated it.

The second image was a depiction of digital projections onto the building. Learning about this in earlier years I understand it is quite a successful tool for both entertainment and aesthetic elements. I considered having this onto the exposed atrium on the eastern face/Warmington street. Having the public pool at this location would be a great way of really activating the street and drawing in people to the Hive.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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