Wednesday 7 November 2012

Development of the vegetable and herb garden

The vegetable and herb garden was an important part of the narrative and the communal system employed by the Hive. I wanted a garden that wasn't as open to the public as the main one situated on the ground level. Vegetables and herbs are essential to healthy meals and seeing as though the meals every evening are shared together with every member of the Hive, it proved fitting to have them produced at one location for the people and by the people. The space above the loading dock presented itself as the right location. It was a good size for the size of the building and it faced toward the north allowing it to receive a good amount of sunlight throughout the day. Having no roof over let itself be watered by the Brisbane rains.

Specific herbs such as Jasmine featured in the image below for a couple of reasons. Personally I enjoy the taste and smell and secondly it features in the narrative as a token of love and kindness between members of the Hive.

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