Wednesday 7 November 2012

The story board

To put my personal touch in to the story I chose to base the character in some ways around me. I like Peroni beer and enjoy watching a good game of football. I linked this scene to the organic garden adjacent to the hive through the mention of organic limes.

My character's face was distorted to hide exact facials in order to give the viewer more of a blank canvas to give the story life on his/her own minds. In a way it could almost put them in the shoes of the character in turn adding to the human aspect of the design solution.

The frame above depicts the grim financial situation that is affecting many people in the city of Brisbane in 2034. With the increase in job cuts and cost of living, many people have been forced onto the street. 

The two hero shots I included as they are both on the A1 poster and in the presentation slides. Having them shown firstly through the eyes and experience of the character I feel was a good way to give them context and set up the design to be talked about.

The original street access was maintained on Warming ton Street however now it is more visually purposeful as you can see from the street what you are entering in to. i.e both the gym and the glass entrance atrium.

The use of light in the scene above was to depict a vibrant and welcoming image to the character amongst the stung architecture. The two work well hand in hand. i.e the light softens the architecture and the architecture magnifies the light.

Native Australian plants grow well in general and would do so easily in the Brisbane climate with its moderate temperatures and its sunshine and rainfall. Minimal upkeep as the garden consumes a large space to the North. Due to the gardens location and the buildings orientation, it would be in full sun most of the day.

This part of the narrative helps set up the presentation by creating a sense of mystery as to what would go on in the first basement level.

I allowed this period of time to help the character settle into the hive - to establish work, move into his new apartment and have an understanding of the system and the people that are a part of it.

This internal shot shows some connecting architectural elements that help connect the storyline. I removed the balustrades from view in order to dramatise the vertical effect and simply the detail for the purpose of accentuating the main narrative elements. The lift/stair core can be seen at the western end of the hive. This is where Amanda lives and also it is one of two vertical access points to upper levels of the entire hive accentuating the close proximity of the circulation spaces. The horizontal internal cladding shown also adds the 'touch' element to the scene as this is mentioned in the presentation slides.

I chose this particular view to show some of the systems working together. 1.) The hive roof wrapping around the BBQ roof terrace. 2.) The solar panels locating on the northern face in order to power the solar powered bbq and foldable canopy mechanism. 3.) The hive-glass balustrade to give a full user experience both vertically and in plan.

I chose these lights after experiencing what they feel like when I went to a Mumford and Sons concert this year. There is a great presence they give so I thought it a great choice for the wedding in the narrative and to also set the mood for the character development between the main character and Amanda.

I used a herb in the narrative to contrast the largeness of the building and show that the delicate side of life can exist within it. Emotions of love and its fragility shown through the herb Jasmine I believe shows that the design contains heart.

I feel it was rewarding doing the storyboard as it helps paint an emotive picture beyond the renders and plans. In the future as a designer I would like to use this method to promote my design ideas.

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